Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Simulation Argument

Today I may make you happy or sad. Some of you may already have thought about the idea which I will put forward in the following article. “the Simulation Argument” is a thought experiment, in which we may imagine ourselves; that is, our life, our experiences, our friends; to be a computer 


Imagine playing PUBG, except you aren’t really playing it, you are in it. You don’t have a character, you are the character. So basically, try imagining everything around you as programmed. The chair you are sitting in is programmed to be there, to look how it looks, your job is a series of tasks you are assigned which you must complete (or not), food is essentially a bunch of code.

Catching my drift? No? Then try this. Imagine that the world you are is a program and just like how you are glued to your phone screen, your “creator” is glued to his screen watching you, maybe controlling you.

This is absurd right? Maybe. I’ll make another attempt at convincing you.

Physics has come to a standstill, because we haven’t come up with a theory which explains everything irrespective of size. The theory we have for planets and stars doesn’t apply to atoms and molecules. “String theory” which you may have heard quite a number of times courtesy of the TV show- the Big Bang Theory, is just an attempt at this unification, but it hasn’t been verified.

But if we are in a simulation, then we can easily explain the discrepancies. We could say, that the “creator” or in this case the “programmer” didn’t make the perfect universe. Rather- didn’t code the perfect universe. This could also explain why things start becoming fuzzy as we dive deeper and deeper into physics.

And finally, you have someone to put the blame on. Not just physics. But all your personal problems too, maybe they are simply syntactical errors. Also you got a way of fixing your stage fright. Think of it as a command from your programmer which you must execute. You are not going up on the stage, because you have to; you are doing so because you were instructed to.

There is an interesting after thought. What about death? If we are in a simulation, then perhaps death is “Quit without saving”. Or death could be waking up in a lab full of scientists, with wires and cables connected to your head which transferred all of your consciousness into the simulator.

Obviously, this is just a theory and we have no way of knowing whether or not we are simulated. But here’s the bizarre thing. If simulations as complex as our universe (we’re talking about everything guys. Right from atoms to black holes) are possible, then this will require a CRAZY amount of computing power. And if that kind of power is achievable, then we must not have only one simulation, but many of these made up worlds with billions of simulated people.

And if that’s true, then there is a very high probability, that you are in one right now.

By Arjun Kulshrestha (Guest Author)
(based on the thought experiment done by Nick Bostrom)


  1. So much inception in this post haha! It sounds like you're writing a sci-fi movie! Thanks for the food for thought of the day~

  2. This is mind boggling! Have you played the computer game called SIMS? I sometimes think that the creator cancels my action whenever I forget what I'm about to do. LOL

  3. What an analogy.. PUBG analogy is kind of unique, but since I'm not playing PUBG, I don't really got a good imagination on it :)

  4. This is something to think about. However, I believe we are not simulated. I believe in Divine Guidance and only He knows what He has planned for me.

  5. This is really interesting to read indeed. It definitely made me ponder. Awesome post.

  6. Interesting view. I recently watched an episode of Black Mirror that was eerily similar to what you are proposing.
